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Weekly #Mission is #SafetyAwareness #StayInformed #SSTCard
*KEEP #SAFE *KEEP #TRAINING *KEEP #CERTIFIED 69 DAYS LEFT! OSHA Mission LLC is a DOB-approved Site Safety Training Provider and authorized to issue the mandated Temporary, Limited, Worker, and Supervisor SST Cards. SITE SAFETY IDENTIFICATION CARDS: The Local Law established four categories of identification cards: Temporary Site Safety Training Card, Limited Site Safety Training Card, Site Safety Card and Site Safety Training Supervisor Card. CARD CATEGORIES Temporary Site Safety Training Card Effective June 1, 2019 New entrants to the construction or demolition workforce may begin working with a Temporary Site Safety Training Card, which is a non-renewable card that expires after six months and is issued to a person who has completed an OSHA 10-hour class. Limited Site Safety Training Card Effective June 1, 2019 Construction workers will be required to have taken an OSHA 10-hour class with 20-hour additional training or an OSHA 30-hour class or a 100-hour training program approved by DOB. Limited Site Safety Training Cards will expire April30, 2019 but no later than August 31, 2020 Site Safety Card Effective September 1, 2020, Construction workers will be required to have taken a required OSHA 10-hour class with 30-hours of additional training or an OSHA 30-hour class with 10 additional hours (total 40 hours) training. Site Safety Training Cards expire after five (5) years and are renewable upon an applicant showing that they have, in the one-year period preceding submission of a renewal application, completed eight (8) training hours specified by DOB. Site Safety Training Supervisor Card Effective June 1, 2019, Supervisor Site Safety Training Cards will be issued to those who successfully completed an OSHA 30-hour class and 32-hours of additional training. Supervisor Site Safety Training Cards expire after five (5) years and are renewable uponan applicant showing that they have, in the one-year period preceding submission of a renewal application, completed sixteen (16) training hours specified by DOB. Weekly #Mission is #SafetyAwareness #StayInformed
#SSTCard *KEEP #SAFE *KEEP #TRAINING *KEEP #CERTIFIED 69 DAYS LEFT! What Is A SST (Site Safety Training) Card A Temporary SST card can be issued to a new entrant to the construction or demolition workforce who completes an OSHA 10-hour training course, and expires after 6 months. An SST Supervisor Card can be issued to SST card holders who complete an OSHA 30-hour training course. Important Dates to Remember
Who needs training? Local Law 196 of 2017, requires that construction and demolition workers on job sites with a Construction Superintendent, Site Safety Coordinator, or Site Safety Manager must have:
There are two (2) ways to meet 30 hour training requirement by December 1, 2019: Option 1: Complete a 30-Hour OSHA course.... Limited Site Safety Training Card - OSHA 30-Hour Card Training/Course: 30-Hrs OSHA Hours: 30 Option 2: Complete a 10-Hour OSHA course and Select 20 hours of training from the chart below Limited Site Safety Training Card - OSHA 10-Hour Card TRAINING/COURSE10-Hour OSHA - HOURS: 10 8-Hour Fall Prevention HOURS: 8 8-Hour Site Safety Manager Refresher/Chapter 33, OR; 4 hours General Electives and; 4 hours of Specialized Elective HOURS: 8 4-Hour Supported Scaffold HOURS: 4
Listen above to our "Introduction" New Podcast "Working In The Construction Industry" episode The show can currently be heard on two (2) platforms; Anchor.FM & Spotify.
Follow us Anchor.FM @ https://anchor.fm/oshamissionny & increase your chance to be selected as one of our "Lucky Listeners" and Join CEO, Fernando Hull on an upcoming Segment! The Podcast is also available on Spotify @: https://open.spotify.com/show/0feN0ZEJTnv3lXB8aIuak7 Stay tune for the official date of the 1st Segment to be Hosted by Fernando Hull. More platforms will be announce soon!
CEO Fernando Hull will be LIVE on the Irie Jam 360 Radio Show discussing "Working in the Construction Industry" Series. Tune in at https://iriejamradio.com/iriejam360/ to hear what it entitles to work in the Construction Industry. Be sure to Listen in at the Schedule Dates & Times listed below.
Get the proper training for using or working on Supported Scaffolding.
Attend & Train to Obrtain a Supported Scaffold User Certificate Today! Register at: https://www.oshamissionny.com/4-hrs-supported-scaffolding.html |